willpower عضـــــو مـــــاسي
ســآعـتي : التسجيل : 17/07/2009 المساهمات : 2735 عدد النقاط : 10160 المزاج : المهنة : الهوايه : الدولة : الأوسمة : التميز :
| موضوع: برنامج PDF2Office Professional 5.0 الأربعاء 12 أغسطس 2009, 8:55 pm | |
| PDF2Office Professional 5.0
PDF2Office is a comprehensive PDF document to Office formats conversion tool. PDF2Office converts PDF file into fully editable Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, RTF, AppleWorks, HTML and other files recreating the intended construction and layout of the document. PDF2Office forms paragraphs; applies styles; regroups independent graphics elements; extracts images; creates tables; processes headers/footers; endnotes/footnotes and columns/sections, all automatically - without any intervention. PDF2Office integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office, allowing you to directly open PDF documents within Microsoft Office applications. PDF2Office allows you to recover and reuse the contents stored in PDF documents making it available for use by the most popular software titles; enhancing workflow automation and productivity.
Features Summary
* Convert PDF documents to Microsoft Word, RTF, AppleWorks and other common files Convert PDF documents into fully editable Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, RTF, AppleWorks, Unicode, Text and HTML files. PDF2Office intelligently builds paragraphs, sections, columns, creates tables and regroups independent graphics to fully recreate the layout of the original file.
* Convert PDF files to Spreadsheet formats Convert PDF files to Microsoft Excel 97-2003 and 2007/2008 formats.
* Open PDF documents directly within Microsoft Office Products PDF2Office integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office product family allowing you to directly open PDF documents within Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, SharePoint Designer and FrontPage
* Click Open Right/Control click on a PDF document on the desktop and have it open in Microsoft Word.
* Convert PDF documents to graphics files Convert each PDF page as a JPEG, PICT, TIFF or other image file, and specify compression and resolution settings.
* Simple Simply drag and drop to convert files using PDF2Office's easy-to-use all-in-one interface.
* Quick PDF2Office will convert the PDF file within seconds.
* Extract Extract text, images and/or other data from specific pages.
* Quick Preview Quickly view the text/native pages of a PDF document.
* Multilanguage/Asian Language Support Supports English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Western European-language data contained in PDF documents.
* Batch Convert Convert multiple files with one click.
* Password Protected PDF files Convert or Open password-protected PDF documents.
* Log Your Work Automatically create a log of all files converted.
What's new with PDF2Office Professional v5.0
# Convert to Spreadsheet format PDF2Office Professional converts PDF files to the Microsoft Excel document format.
# Convert directly to Office 2007 formats PDF2Office now directly converts PDF files to native Microsoft Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007 and Word 2007 formats (also known as the Office 2007 formats).
# Open PDF documents in Microsoft Excel An interface has been provided to open and convert PDF documents directly within Microsoft Excel.
# Typeface Library PDF2Office Professional remembers and stores all font substitutions into a Typeface Library. This eliminates having to repeatedly specify font substitutions. The mappings in the Typeface Library can be replaced and overridden as required.
# Spreadsheet Options New Spreadsheet options panels have been introduced into the Control Center to fine-tune conversions to spreadsheet formats.
# Enhanced Office plug-ins Every Office plug-in has been enhanced to include the PDF Inspector (formerly known as the Document Inspector) and direct access to the Typeface Library interface has been provided.
# JPEG2000 image support JPEG2000 images stored in PDF files are now properly recognized and converted.
# PDF Reconstruction v4.5 PDF2Office Professional now includes the latest PDF Reconstruction v4.5 engine offering dramatic enhancements when converting PDF documents, including enhanced graphics processing, and complex layout and PDF data recognition. General improvements have also been made in identifying footnotes and headers/footers.
# Russian and Greek character support Russian (Cyrillic) and Greek text in PDF files are now recognized and converted.
Code: Code: ضــــــــــــــــع رد حتي يظهر لك الرابط | |
ســآعـتي : التسجيل : 12/06/2008 المساهمات : 23392 عدد النقاط : 69617 المزاج : المهنة : الهوايه : الدولة : الأوسمة : رقم العضوية : 1 التميز :
| موضوع: رد: برنامج PDF2Office Professional 5.0 الأربعاء 12 أغسطس 2009, 10:39 pm | |
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willpower عضـــــو مـــــاسي
ســآعـتي : التسجيل : 17/07/2009 المساهمات : 2735 عدد النقاط : 10160 المزاج : المهنة : الهوايه : الدولة : الأوسمة : التميز :
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ســآعـتي : التسجيل : 21/12/2009 المساهمات : 12379 عدد النقاط : 18808 المزاج : المهنة : الهوايه : الدولة : الأوسمة : التميز : أوسمة المسابقات :
| موضوع: رد: برنامج PDF2Office Professional 5.0 الجمعة 04 فبراير 2011, 3:02 pm | |
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